Friday, June 11, 2010

Demonstration For El Campo Art Association

This is as far as I got with the portrait demonstration for the El Campo Art Association last weekend.  We had a great time.  The group actively participated with me as I painted.  I also brought some other materials and tools of the trade in which we spent quite a bit of time discussing.  The art submitted in the show competition was exceptional.  I liked all of it.

Unfortunately, I didn't finish the portrait during the demonstation but was able to demonstrate enough technique to show what the basic steps for painting a portrait consists of.  I will continue to work on this painting to make corrections and add layers until it is finished.

Let us pray before we paint,

Monday, June 7, 2010

This is an oil portrait of my lovely wife Carolyn.  It is painted on a 14x11 stretched canvas.  I plan to paint another one on a 20x16 if I can get her to sit for me rather than use a cropped photo for reference.  I know absolutely nothing about how a woman combs their hair.  I just tried to go with the flow I saw in a couple of photos and hope for a soft realistic look.  She is ok with it, that is what counts.  As you would expect, I spent extra time on this one.  The blouse and jewelery were done more impressionistically.  I did go back and brighten the eye lights a bit more after this photo was taken.  I hope you enjoy the painting of my lady.

Let us pray before we paint,